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Notions the play is a symbolic and literal plane journey, turbulence and nose dives included, that follows the misguided journey of two dissatisified millennials who have long forgotten where they come from and don't know where they are but are certain that they are going places

A hero lies in us all.


Short film.  Genre: Drama.

Written by Valerie Ni Loinsigh.

Mick E. Moss is a fully grown adult who indulges in fully grown fantasies.

To drown out the noise of his single father's gambling addiction Mick relies on animated films to escape his reality into various alternate and magical world's.


Feature film. Genre: Comedy drama. 

Written by Valerie Ni Loinsigh


Badgers is a animated comedy series in development.

“I once had a couple of bad years [bad.gers]. They just kind of showed up on my doorstep. I hear it's not unheard of but not everybody gets them.”
Written by Valerie Ni Loinsigh


Poxy Bleedin Shop is an animated series set in a rough off license on the wrong side of town.
Starring Karl Spain, Bernard Casey, Owen Colgan, Tadhg Hickey and Emma Doran


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A Season in Hell is a splatter horror comedy feature film currently in post Production

Written & Directed by Thomas Quain


A hero lies in us all.
Short film.  Genre: Drama.
Written by Valerie Ni Loinsigh.

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